Contemporary Alexander School

A learning community dedicated to making the Alexander Technique accessible in today’s world.


Artist - Gaby Kretz

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USA Training Locations

* Santa Fe, NM

*Portland, OR

*Tucson, AZ






CAS & AAI are dedicated to working towards EQUITY, justice and belonging

Alexander Work is a tool for all people to find their unique and essential voice, and CAS recognizes the power of the Work to bring people together and give a voice to all to fully express themselves, their ways of being, their cultures, their heritage. 

We gather for study as a call-to-action, to participate in the greater cause of realizing embodied social justice.

We call upon ourselves to be accountable for the work we must do as individuals and as an organization to consciously participate in the process of dismantling oppression and inequality.


What is Contemporary Alexander Work?


 Artist - Gaby Kretz

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Through practical, kinesthetic, hands-on study of the principles of our innate design, movement, awareness, and habits, you learn to make new choices - beyond rules, expectations, and knowledge.

We work with you while you are doing whatever you do - working at a computer, playing an instrument, riding a horse, taking a walk, or cooking your dinner - offering an experience of your natural potential for comfort, ease, creativity, and joy.

Whether you take a single lesson or a full teacher training, you will be studying you - your potential for creating choices in every aspect of your life.


What Do We Study?

Ways of Being

Ways of Knowing

Ways of Teaching

Artist - Gaby Kretz


CAS offers a unique way to study, tailored to the reality of your already full life.


+ We bring the Work to you

CAS is committed to making study available to you by bringing the Work to your community. Rather than having to travel for your trainings, you can help anchor a workshop, course, or even a Teacher Training Satellite Group in your city, with your colleagues and friends. In addition, there are regular training opportunities in Santa Fe, New York City, Dallas/Ft Worth and Portland (OR).

+ Self-Paced Programs

Through our Modular design, you can fulfill course and training requirements at your own pace, allowing you to successfully incorporate training into your already full and busy life.

+ Immersion Retreats & Online Study

In addition to full immersion training events, there are also weekly online classes, allowing you to fulfill some of the training requirements and stay connected to the community while traveling or at home.

+ Real-Life Applications

Through our contemporary style of teaching, you will learn how to incorporate the Work in real-life activities and situations, allowing you and your future students to directly apply the Work in today’s world. The Teacher Training prepares you to teach individuals and groups, through classical and contemporary styles, with a deep, embodied, understanding not only of the Work, but also the art of teaching it.

+ Apprenticeships & International Study

CAS trainees can study at all of the Alexander Alliance International schools (Europe & Japan) for no additional tuition.

All trainees can apprentice at all CAS/AAI lessons and events throughout their training, allowing for firsthand teaching experience and mentoring.

[click each topic to read more]


How Do We Study?


+ Find Out More

Lessons are offered in conjunction with Workshops and Courses throughout the US, Europe, and Asia. Whenever a CAS Teacher is offering classes in your area, there will also be the opportunity to take a private lesson. You can also look for a CAS teacher in our Directory.

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Workshops are offered in various cities throughout North America, as requested. One or two day Introductory Workshops are tailored to the interests and needs of your local community - from physical comfort to skill enrichment to professional trainings.

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Retreats are held in Santa Fe, New Mexico & Portland, Oregon each year. They are offered as introductory experiences, as professional continuing education studies, as Alexander Teacher Training, or as AT Post-Graduate Studies.


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Courses provide more in-depth study and practice than workshops. They focus on Personal Exploration or Professional Enrichment, with topics ranging from body mapping and changing your beliefs, to advanced hands skills and group teaching, and can be in-person or online.

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Teacher Training

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Contemporary Alexander Teacher Training is a self-paced, flexible, non-residential program which allows people to realistically fit the training into their lives. Graduation is dependent on proficiency, taking most people 4 years. Training Modules are organized in satellite cities throughout North America.

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Post-Graduate Studies

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Alexander Technique Post-Graduate Studies offer in-depth training in a Contemporary style of teaching, including advanced hands-on skills, teaching in groups, in activities, and in real-life situations. Master Trainers Bruce Fertman and Robyn Avalon teach Post-Graduate courses worldwide

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