About Lessons
Private Lessons are the best way to receive individualized instruction.
Here’s what to expect:
+ You choose a theme, a specific activity, or even a challenging situation.
This could be something very simple, like sitting comfortably or walking; or it could be a specialized activity like playing an instrument or bicycling. Be sure to bring your instrument to the lesson!
It could also be a challenging situation in your life where you would like to have more choices available to you, other than your habitual reactions.
+ The teacher will watch how you do your activity or situation.
We watch for what is easy and what is not - for any ways you might be working harder than you need to, or moments when you lose support from your environment.
+ The teacher will use their hands, gently and non-manipulatively, to help you notice where you are working hard, and what it is like to let go a little bit.
Amazingly, when we notice what we are doing to interfere with our innate ease, our nervous system is able to release that interference. It’s not something you do, but something you undo.
+ Perhaps the teacher will help you clarify something about your anatomical design, or help you notice a belief that is underlying your reactions.
Our nervous system organizes our body according to our beliefs, so a teacher will help you identify those beliefs so that you can make a change on your own, without the teacher.
+ Maybe you’ll lie down on a table and have an experience of your body resting, fully and consciously.
We often end a lesson with lying down to give you a moment to just be with yourself - noticing the way your body feels when you consciously receive support.
+ Lesson Protocols
- All lessons are done fully clothed.
- Lessons are confidential. You are welcome to bring a friend to witness or take notes. Some people record their lessons as well.
Lessons can happen in a teaching space or wherever you do what you do - a gym? a dance studio? an office? in a pool? It’s ideal to be in your actual environment, if possible.
Not all Alexander Teachers are trained to work in activities and situations - be sure to check with your teacher to see if this is possible for them. All CAS Teachers are trained to apply the Work to your activities.
Lessons in U.S.
Robyn teaches in various cities in the U.S. Please see her availability below to schedule, or contact her directly to inquire about upcoming workshops.
Lessons in Europe
Robyn teaches in Europe every Fall and Spring. Please contact her organizers to schedule a private lesson or inquire about upcoming workshops.
Mainz Therese Geisler therese.geisler@gmx.de
Cologne Doris Mols d.mols@freenet.de
Bochum Irene Schlump i.schlump@web.de
Dorsten Margarete Tueshaus sodasein@alexandertechnik-ruhr.de
Strasbourg Irene Schlumberger irene.schlumberger@free.fr
Paris Alexandra Fridici alexandra.fridrici@hotmail.fr
Zurich & Basel Magdalena Gassner m.gassner@alexanderalliance.de
Villach Andrea Stitzel andreastitzel@a1.net
Lessons in Asia
Robyn teaches in Asia in the late Fall each year. Please contact the local organizers to schedule a lesson or inquire about workshops.
Kyoto & Osaka Midori Shinkai midorialexanderalliance@gmail.com
Tokyo Sakiko Ishitsubo sakiko.ishitsubo@gmail.com
Hiroshima Hiroko Uno
Seoul Kay Kim atpnm2014@gmail.com
Graduate Directory
This is a list of CAS graduates who are currently maintaining a private and/or group practice.
Anchorage Mari Hahn
Wasilla Bud Jahn
Claremont Wendy Waggener
Santa Barbara Ruth Alpert
Temecula Amy Hite
Boulder Mollie Kittle
Albuquerque Darci Balkcom
El Rito Judith Shotwell
Santa Fe
Dayton Anita Mischuk
Beaverton Katie Twombly
Corvalis Leslie Kimiko Ward
Salem Obsidian Garber
State College/PSU Gwen Walker
OSAKA, JAPAN Yoshiko Hayashi
Host a Contemporary Alexander Teacher in Your City
We live full, active lives, and it is often challenging to create the time and resources needed to consistently pursue our personal and professional explorations, especially when it involves travel. At CAS, we understand this, and have created a way to bring study opportunities to you and your community. We offer a range of study opportunities: introductory workshops, private lessons, special interest workshops, professional certification courses, and even satellite Alexander Teacher Training Programs. How do you start? Contact us. We will work with you to design an initial experience in your area, with your personal and professional communities. From there - who knows? You may find yourself taking an immersion course or professional training that you’ve always been interested in - without the extra time and expense of leaving home.