About CAS Post-Graduate Offerings

The Alexander Alliance International Faculty has been developing a Contemporary style of Alexander Technique Pedagogy for over 40 years, originally based on the teachings of Marjorie Barstow, and continually evolving to meet the needs of an ever-changing world.

At CAS, it is part of our mission to share this wealth of technical and pedagogical information and experience with everyone, in the hopes of furthering the accessibility of the Work in the world.

The Post Graduate Programming, designed and taught by CAS Director, Robyn Avalon, focuses on skills in 3 main areas:

  • Advanced Hand Skills - designed to support your ability to teach students through every activity of daily and professional life.

  • The Art of Group Teaching - offering the unique skill necessary for effective and interactive group teaching, allowing you to reach infinitely more people in your practice.

  • Advanced Applications - focusing on the the tools and techniques necessary for teaching through all activities, as well as how to teach your students to access the Work on their own in challenging and poignant real life situations.

Scroll for more information on the ‘23 - ‘24 Schedule.

Post Graduate Courses are offered throughout the USA, Europe, and Asia. As always, CAS is dedicated to bringing study opportunities to you - consider hosting a Post-Graduate Course or Workshop in your area.

Contact us for more information.