Living in a Body of Choice™

From a very young age, we are shaped, literally - physically, by our families, our communities, our culture.  We learn to embody the ideals which are presented to us as right/wrong or acceptable/unacceptable.  We are rewarded if we fit in - for looking, thinking, and behaving as our society dictates; and shunned, in subtle but clearly felt ways, if we do not.

We embody these societal teachings.  We literally wear them - like a layer of internal clothing.  They are so engrained, so much a part of who we were taught to be, that we don’t even feel this layer of social/physical binding.  And yet, this layer directly influences how we hold ourselves on the inside and how we present ourselves on the outside.

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In this in-depth experiential course, we will identify the 6 primary psycho-social bodies and begin to sense, to feel, how these deeply embodied layers influence our ability to choose our unique life path.

We will question the need for these layers. Are they really you? Or do they limit you, perhaps in ways that you haven’t ever noticed directly. If you release them, who will you allow yourself to become?

We will learn how to recognize these beliefs, assumptions, and expectations which have become woven into cellular memory and fundamental coordination patterns, and how to release them - to clear your ‘stories’, your personal and genealogical history, from your body.

This is the beginning of creating your Body of Choice - consciously embodying the beliefs and archetypes of your choosing, rather than what you have been taught.

We will draw from a varied range of resources, including Matrix EnergeticsⓇ, Contemporary Alexander Work, archetypal embodiment, gender studies, process artwork, somatic resonance, and Deep Imagery. No previous experience is necessary.

NOTE: LIAB™ and LIABC™ are sometimes offered as a one week retreat experience - contact us if you are interested in more information.